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Tanzania vacation? Book now your safari in Tanzania!

Private vehicle and great customer satisfaction for best price

Tanzania vacation is the ultimate once-in-a-lifetime holiday! Tanzania is a top safari destination and has so much to offer. You can choose to experience an amazing Tanzania safari or relax at the world’s most beautiful beaches on Zanzibar Island. Or did you always dream about climbing Kilimanjaro? We are the Tanzania Specialist for a reason: we offer the most extensive range of Tanzania vacation!

You can choose one of our popular Tanzania itineraries or build your own trip exactly on the way you love it. Let us know which national parks and islands you like and we will design the perfect Tanzania vacation for you.

Hundreds of travelers have traveled with Gadabout Tours and we are very happy that each of them has had an unforgettable experience. Take time to read traveler reviews on Tripadvisor and look at the pictures they’ve made during their Tanzania vacation.

Mount Kilimanjaro hiking with Gadabout safaris


Our expert team handpicked all destinations in this site


Price match within 48 hours of order confirmation


We are here to help, before, during, and even after your trip.


One of the Best Company in Tanzania

Popular Destinations

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Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Serengeti National Park

Tarangire National Park

Why Booking With Us?

  • We are the experts
  • Personalized service and competitive prices
  • We pay attention
  • We love and live for Africa

Mount Meru Climbing

Mt Meru is mostly inside Arusha National Park in Tanzania. It is a 4,566 m / 14,980 ft ASL peak with approximately 3,170 m / 10,400 ft of prominence. Current routes are NON technical but the last stages on route to the summit involve some scrambling. As a peak it comes highly recommended as a doable trek for any one fit and determined. You can do multi day treks on Mt Meru or even day trips for short hikes or extended hikes up to 4 hours.
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Masai Mara Safaris

A safari in Masai Mara is arguably the best wildlife adventure experience in the world and this is certainly not an over statement. The reserve is home to some of the most diverse collection of animals, not just the 'Big Five' but also the 'Big Nine' most of which can be seen during a safari tour in Masai Mara. Though the wildbeest migration season from July to September is the highlight of the year, a Masai Mara safari is a rewarding experience all year round. We are listing several 2021 and 2022 Masai Mara tour packages below which range from budget road tours to luxury Fly-In Safaris staying at boutique Tented Camps. You can also check some of our recommended Kenya Safari itineraries here.
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